Fabstock Livestock Supplements

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Maximise weight gain

This mix is designed for sheep and cattle to obtain maximum body weight gains in a feedlot situation. As well as providing all essential Vitamins, minerals and trace elements Fabstock Feedlot mix also contains buffers and Bovatec to help control acidosis and promote healthy growth levels.


  • Salt 34%
  • Molasses 2%
  • Calcium 12 %
  • Magnesium 1.6 %
  • Sulphur 3.1%
  • Phosphorus 1.2 %
  • Potassium 0.25%


Salt, Magri-lime, Molasses, Vegetable Oil, ,Bi-Carb, Causemag, Di-Calcium Phosphate, Bypass Protein Meal, Magnesium Sulphate, Gypsum. Trace Elements; Cobalt, Iodine, Selenium, Methionine, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Biotin, Chelated Zinc. Molybdenum Vitamins; VitaminA, VitaminB1, VitaminD3 and VitaminE

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Graham Wells

Fabstock feed has our show team in top condition and their wool with bloom at all times. We also use the Fabstock lick for our young rams, to help keep their growth rate even throughout the year.