Fabstock Livestock Supplements

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Photosensitisation i Sheep

Photosensitisation in Sheep? – FABSTOCK can help

Kyle Sturgess, pictured, from Redline Stud @ West Wyalong contacted FABSTOCK in August '24. Kyle, who also works as a contract stock agent, had a client at Lake Cargelligo, who had ewes & lambs grazing lucerne and the lambs had developed severe facial eczema.

The condition was caused due to cowpea aphid, which had infested the lucerne. The lambs were ingesting aphids as they were grazing, and it is believed that the aphids contain a pigment that causes severe photosensitisation.

The condition was first reported on the Monaro in 2021, and it caused significant losses of lambs and longer-term impacts for those that survived 1

When Kyle contacted FABSTOCK, the lambs were struggling badly as the photos show.

We suggested Fabstock LSM ‘Summer Weeds Plus’. Whilst designed initially for sheep grazing cereal stubbles where weeds such as Hairy Panic and Heliotrope were a problem, we were able to make the necessary alterations to improve suitability for protein rich pastures such as lucerne.

Talking on Tuesday, Kyle commented:

“Whole mob, consisting of between 4 – 600 lambs where badly affected.

And they were bad. They were as bad as you think sheep could be and still be alive. 8 weeks after starting on the product (Fabstock’s LSM ‘Summers Weeds Plus’), you couldn’t even tell there’d been a problem. 8 weeks from absolutely buggered to perfect. The hair had grown back and there was no sign of scaring.

I would unfortunately say that those lambs were unmarketable, unsaleable un-anything. 8 weeks later, they could have gone straight into the marketplace and been sold, no problems.

I told the client that she was going to lose a lot, at least 10% or more. Ended up losing bugger all!”

As always, prevention is better that cure. Don’t let photosensitisation ruin your valuable livestock and more importantly, your profits.

For further information, please go to www.fabstock.com.au/summer-weeds, or talk to your nearest Fabstock distributer.


Closest Town/State: 
West Wyalong, NSW

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Bruce & Mark Whitby

Our wether weaners were really struggling for nutrition and were only in “store condition at best” at the end of a long hot dry summer early this year. We were very impressed with how quickly their health and condition improved once we started putting the Fabstock out which also greatly reduced the number with scours.

In previous years we always had to channel or crutch about 20% of the mob prior to selling but after feeding them Fabstock for a few months we only had to tidy up about 1%. Also in past years we always lost about 5 or 6 head to natural causes between weaning and selling but this year with them on “Kickstart” we lost none! After a very tough start the eventual sale results on these lambs through the Wagga sale yards was most pleasing. The tops made up to $132 per head with the average being around $105 and we have no doubt that the “Kickstart” made all the difference improving their health, nutrition and growth rates. 

We have no hesitation in recommending Fabstock to any prospective purchaser especially since it is only about half the price of most other similar dry licks products.