Fabstock Livestock Supplements

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Pregnancy and Lactation

Lactation Pasture Mix (LPM) is a loose lick vitamin/mineral supplement, designed to prevent the incidence of metabolic diseases such as pregnancy toxaemia and milk fever in breeding females prior to and after lambing/calving as well as supporting milk production

Balanced levels of Calcium and Magnesium in LPM ensure strong rumen and uterine contractions which, together with a vitamin and mineral package help to support breeding females at a time of high nutritional demand.

Lactation Pasture Mix is also suitable for fattening young stock on winter pastures and grazing cereals.


Salt, Dolomite, Di-Calcium Phosphate, Gypsum, Magnesium Sulphate, Protein Meal, Molasses, Vegetable Oil, Iodine, Selenium, Methionine, Cobalt, Zinc Oxide,Copper, Molybdenite, Bi Carb, Manganese, Potassium and Vitamin A, B1, D3 and E

Recommended consumption rates:

  • Cattle 100 to 200 grams per head per day
  • Sheep 30 to 60 grams per head per day
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Graham Wells

Fabstock feed has our show team in top condition and their wool with bloom at all times. We also use the Fabstock lick for our young rams, to help keep their growth rate even throughout the year.